
Showing posts from November, 2017

Album Cover Shooting Schedule



For our digipak, we plan to use these pictures to help the audience understand more about our artist and how we plan to represent him. For the advertisement, we plan to have our artist, Jack Avery, surrounded by falling sheet music, what we wanted to show with this is that our artist is always around music and we wanted to show that the songs on this album are going to be personal and that they are all going to link with each other. So, the sheet music symbolizes is a story that we want to be told through the songs on an album. For the front cover, back cover and four panels, we wanted to show how close our artist is with music so we decided to use pictures of him with his guitar and in a music studio. We also wanted to show how down to earth he is and so for panel three we plan to show him walking through a park showing the nature around him. What we hope this will portray is that he is one with himself and he doesn't always need to be around other people to feel calm

Production Post 10

Production Post 9

Production Post 8

Final Music Video


Production Post 7

Production Post 6

Production Post 4 - Editing

Production Post 3