
Showing posts from October, 2017

Production Post 2

Production Post 1: Changes That We Will Make

Talent Release Forms


Location Shots

We chose this location, Wimbledon Centre Court, for the shopping sequence in the music video as it make the video seen more authentic when we put it with the other clips. Also it asists the storyline and helps to show the audience how the female character has changed from the past to the present which helps move the narrative forward. We feel like this would fit th mise-en-scene of this sequence because its a very busy shopping centre which allows use to take advantage of the people around as we can use them as a comparrison to the 'New Man'. The next location that we plan to use is a Haverster which is part of the narrative, we chose this location because it has a pub inside which is where we will film Nathan and Issie drinking champagne. This is helpful to the narrative because it shows what the relationship is like now compared to what type of relationship she was in the past. This location is the house where we will film the scenes of Issie and Tom messaging each o

Location Permission Letters

This message is asking permission to use this residents for our music video. We thought that it would be appropriate to send this message to let the owners know what is happening in their house. This email is to the management of Centre Court that we plan to film in the centre. This was done so we don't breach any rules or laws they have regarding filming in and around the centre because that could lead to termination of filming which could be a problem for when we are filming.

List of Costumes and Props

Shooting Schedule



In this animatic, we expressed the ideas that we wanted to put in the music video and we stuctured it the way we thought it would be editied together when making the video. The feedback that we got is to use more locations and a larger varity of shots. So, we plan to do this by extending the narrative to new locations which will then allow us to use a larger varity shots because these loactions will give us different opportunites.

Pitch for Music Video

The following video is the pitch for the music video that we intend to make from our chosen song 'New Man' by Ed Sheeran. After presenting our pitch, test shots and animatic to our assesor we was given feedback that we need to impliment into our video. First of all, we were told that we wasn't using as many creative shots which in result makes our video looking plain and boring. So when we thought as a group to use more creative shots like ariel shots, point of view shots as well as taking advantge of the different angles we can use that will change the framing of the video. Secondly, we was advised to use another piece of equipment instead of the fig-rig to film our panaramic shots to give a smoother less shakey shot to use.

Track Permission Letter

This is an email to be sent to the production company to get permission to use our chosen song 'New Man'. We had to do this so we don't breach any copyright law regarding the music video as it is illegal and not fair to the company to use their products for free.